Can anyone lead?
What does leadership look like when you are not the one in charge? How can your way of being create a collaborative environment and allow your greatness and leadership or emerging leader talent to shine? How do you show up every day?
Leadership starts with who you are being on the inside first. Being who you are is the greatest gift we could ever receive from you.
I wonder what practices keep you in tune with who you are so wherever you go, there YOU are – the bright shining light that stands in her/his strengths and is a beacon to others just because of their very presence? Be the same person who demonstrates their best qualities not only with those you live with and love, how about with everyone at every moment? When you come from this place it is what people are magnetized by. Whether you are on the phone, or in person, something about you stands out. Because you are being genuine, actively listening and offering the best version of yourself, the person on the receiving end feels your contribution. They want to be where you are going and “have what you have”.
“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”— Confucius
So I think this is important especially in today’s leader environment – When I talk about practices, I am referring to what keeps you in integrity with who you truly are and how you express your best self. It could be a practice of mindfulness that comes from inner awareness and being attuned to you, your environment and the people around you. It could be meditation – walks in nature, connection to the place within that keeps you calm in chaotic situations and allows you to step back from a situation that could escalate into something unpleasant. You get to choose what works best for you. Only you know what helps you be your best!
“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”— Marianne Williamson
Leaders practice deep listening skills. They are not thinking of the next thing to say; they are present in the conversation listening on multiple levels. Leaders are committed to their personal and professional development and are generally life-long learners. They know they can always learn from others no matter their station, position, culture or environment. The best leaders create space for you to grow into your greatness and stretch your capabilities and capacities.
“Since in order to speak, one must first listen, learn to speak by listening.”— Rumi
Today leadership is moving toward a more conscious, conscientious model where every stakeholder is considered – those internal and external. They have a broader outlook on people, the impact on the planet as well as profit. Consider how you might begin to ignite that where you are working or leading. Some of the qualities of a more conscious leader are compassion, empathy, integrity, transparency, genuine gratitude and intense commitment to their values. They allow each person to be who they are while inviting them to consider all the possibilities for others to demonstrate their strengths.
“Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence, making sure that impact lasts in your absence.”— Sheryl Sandberg
And my contributing quote – “Lead yourself and others to their greatness simply by being you!”
What do you think? If someone practices this as a starting point, would you consider them a leader? What else might be a contribution?
Contributed by Kathy Holdaway
This article was shared with some adaptation – check it out below! Thanks Sean Hawkins!