A Mind of the Heart Moment

A Mind of the Heart Moment:

So I keep thinking of mind of the heart and am beginning to believe that it is the small things that are felt as we engage in an activity that somehow floods us with warmth, a certain knowing that what we are about in that moment alone counts for something, or matters to a certain person. Our heart helps to inform us when we are tracking in a good direction.

After we had a conversation in which we were able to express gratitude, whether it is gratefulness for a job done well, or thanks for something that was done for us, there is a sense of “rightness in our world”. I am thinking that coming from the heart is doing the right things at the right time, saying things in a way that honors the integrity of the other. It is also the small moment when we need to honor our boundaries and do it with grace. It is the moment of being transparent and without judgment when telling a worker, or a peer that what they are doing does not add value to the creation of sustainability in the organization.

Inch by inch as we drop into our heart space, knowingly or not, we begin to transcend a head only response and begin to merge the intelligences of our mind, our heart and our intuition. These tiny changes are what shifts and transforms our world to the start of living from the deeper sources of our being and creating and cultivating a better inner and outer life for all.

That was my moment – what are some of yours?

©Kathy Holdaway – Mind of the Heart

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